In 1959 a small group of staff assembled at Hadrian’s Camp to open the new Apprentices’ School
In January 1960, in conjunction with the arrival of Apprentices from Arborfield (REME) and Chepstow (RE) who arrived to set up the School, the first new intake arrived direct to Carlisle to form 60A.
In the spring of 1961 the new school gates were unveiled, manufactured by Capt. Chivers and the Basic Trades department
The AAS Queen’s Crown cap badge shown here was unique to apprentices serving at the locations of Chepstow, Arborfield, Harrogate and for a shorter period, Carlisle, between the years of 1952 and 1966, after which the Corps took over apprentice training. Some of the entrants who joined between 1964 to 1966 continued to wear the AAS badge until they passed out in following years.
The Roman Eagle became the badge and emblem for the school / college. Over the years the entablature held by the eagles’ talons changed from AAS to AAC to what we have today, HOB, representing Hadrian’s Old Boys.
Amongst the Vehicle Mechanics passing out in December 1965, was the last Royal Engineer apprentice to go through the School.
Name changed to Army Apprentices College and rebadged to REME who assumed control from the War Office.
Extract from Ministry of Defence letter dated 17 May 68
“I am commanded by the Army Board of the Defence Council to inform you that the Army Apprentice College REME at Carlisle is to be closed and the REME apprentice training is to be concentrated in one college at Arborfield”.
July 1969 – Closure of College
In the nine years of its existence 2785 Apprentices passed through these gates, (including the 279 who originally came from Arborfield and Chepstow to set up the School)
Jim Fox, the first A/T RSM wins Pentathlon Team Gold at the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics. He won the British title a record ten times and is the only British pentathlete to have competed in four Olympic Games.
A memorial was erected by the members of the Hadrian’s Old Boys’ Association at the site of the Camp Main Gate on the 21st September 2013 to remember all those that passed through these gates
“With Skill, Pride and Endeavour”