2025 AGM, Dinner and Memorial Service

Friends and colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, the dates and venue for the 2025 events were set after the 2024 AGM and are:

AGM’s : Saturday 10th May @ 13.00 [NMA]

Dinner: To be Confirmed [most likely in the Lichfield area]

Memorial Service: Sunday 11th May @ 12.00 [NMA]

This missive is sent out on behalf of your Chairman, Secretary and Committee by Len Morland, who would very much value your response as time is of the essence.
Your Secretary, Steve Joyce, having undergone major surgery in January, finds that his recovery is taking just a bit more time and effort than he anticipated.
To this end he asked for someone to stand in for him and Len has volunteered until the AGMs.

With regard to the Annual events your Committee NMA Liaison member is in contact with the NMA making the necessary arrangements for the AGM & Memorial Service.
The AGM’s, there will be two, the last of the AANMT and the AANMA. All ex-Apprentices are welcome to attend by Informing Len and registering on the day.

Agenda’s etc available on the day.

The Annual dinner. In past years we have utilised the facility at the Derby Mickleover Hotel, however due to intervention by others we are not this year.

In order for your Entertainment member to make the necessary arrangements for the dinner on the Saturday evening, be it an hotel or restaurant, we need to determine:

How Many and Preference, between “Thai, Mediterranean or Traditional” it is
imperative that those members wishing to attend “The Dinner” make their own
accommodation arrangements in or around Lichfield and confirm and commit their
intention to Len by e-mail to [email protected] or before Friday March 28th

Thus, enabling us hopefully, to arrange the venue for the dinner.

Actual final details, with Agenda and Programme will be sent to members via email

The memorial Service as in past years the Memorial Service will take place at the
Army Apprentices Memorial where all ex-apprentices are welcome to attend.

Service Timings:
10.00 to 11.30 Gather in the NMA restaurant area.
11.30 to 11.50 Make way to the Army Apprentices Memorial
Service sheets will be distributed on the day.

Contact details for Len Morland
E-mail [email protected]
Mobile 07918606740


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