AANM AGM Minutes 2024

Minutes of the AGM held at the National Memorial Arboretum. Alrewas
1300hrs Saturday 11th May 2024

Members Present:
Johnny McGahan (Deputy Chairman / NMA Liaison Officer) – Harrogate
Glyn Marsh (Treasurer) – Harrogate
Rob Cross (Events Organiser) – Harrogate
Colin Taylor (Webmaster) – Carlisle
Steve Joyce (Secretary) – Carlisle
Len Morland – Harrogate
Ken Carver – Carlisle
Peter Forster – Harrogate
Roger Traves – Arborfield

Apologies Received:
Maj Gen John Stokoe (President)
Terry Hanman

Chairman’s Welcome
Due to the absence of Terry Hanman because of ill health, the meeting was chaired by Johnny McGahan, who welcomed everyone, and thanked them for attending.
Johnny expressed his thanks to the committee for their work to make the weekend possible, with particular thanks to Rob Cross for his liaison work with the hotel.
Matters Arising
There was no Matters Arising

Secretary’s Report
The Secretary expressed his thanks to Rob in his role as hotel liaison. Having seen
much of the correspondence between Rob and the hotel, frustration is an
To be able to advertise details of our reunion & service, we need to be sending
details to the various Corps magazines in January or February for publishing in
March. Our current hotel is unable to confirm anything that early.
Colin suggested that we try arranging the meal somewhere, and leave it to
individuals to sort out their preferred accommodation. Something he has done in the
past with HOBS reunions. Ideally somewhere that can facilitate both the meal and
accommodation, but booked separately, with other nearby accommodation options
All those in attendance were asked to research potential new venues on-line, and
report back. Rob has kindly said that he is willing to check out suggested local
Note that currently the numbers attending a meal are unlikely to exceed 30 – 40.

Treasurer’s Report
Copies of the Statement of Accounts were published, and explained by Glyn. A copy
will also be attached to these minutes.
Glyn explained that the finances of the AANM are now zero and he will now work
with the Charity Commission to wind up the charity.
Below is an additional financial statement which shows the final expenditure.

Income & Expenditure Statement for the
Army Apprentice National Memorial Trust
For the period 1st January 2024 – 31st May 2024

Funds as at 1st January 2024
Total Funds £347.21
Income Expenditure
Donations from Assoc. £ 0.00 Insurance Excess Fund £ 347.21
Other Donations £ 0.00

Total Income £ 0.00 Total Expenditure £ 347.21

In Year Surplus/(Deficit £ (347.21)
Funds as at 31st May 2024
Total Funds £ 0.00

Glyn Marsh
Army Apprentice National Memorial Trust


  1. The Insurance Excess Fund was set up after signing the new agreement with the NMA. This
    stated, that there was an excess liability of £500, attributable to the ‘Memorial’s Sponsor’.
    This fund was established with the balance of £152.79 donated by the AANA

Webmaster’s Report:
Colin produced the following report:

  1. The AANM website is currently up and running after two occurrences where
    the Hosting Provider went offline, once in December for a week and again at
    Easter, for approximately 10days.
  2. These incidents stop the Members from accessing the site. I propose that if it
    occurs again, we change the Hosting company.
  3. The AANM website now has a current SSL Certificate.
  4. (I have made provision with the hosting Company I use for Hadrian’s Old
    Boys website, if and when required).
  5. As the Trust and Charity are coming to the end of their tenure, I have
    amended the website Title to just plain Army Apprentice National Memorial [
    AANM ]. The use of the word TRUST and TRUSTEES remain in the text
    where relevant.
  6. The four Rolls of Honour need bringing up to date. Could the relevant
    Secretaries forward any updates to me.
    (assuming the Rolls are still required on the AANM Site)
  7. See attached two examples of the site statistics. There is more detail if the
    meeting requires this.
  8. Can the meeting confirm the future role of the AANM website

Event’s Organiser’ Report
Rob explained in some detail the difficulties he encountered trying to arrange our
evening banquet at our normal hotel, the Derby Mickleover Hotel (Best Western).
The hotel is very poor at communicating and very late producing potential menus
and prices.
Rob announced that he will be standing down as the Event’s Organiser.
On behalf of all members, Johnny thanked Rob for his hard work making our social
evenings the success they have been.

NMA Liaison Officers & Legacy Fund Report
Johnny reported that the NMA have confirmed that our agreement with them allowed
for free use of a meeting room for up to four times per year as well as the regular
ongoing maintenance to the memorial


Date of next meeting: The next meeting will be the final meeting, the date to be
There being no further business to attend to, the meeting closed at 1400 hrs.

Distribution list:
Secretary – Arborfield
Secretary – Harrogate
Secretary – Chepstow
Secretary – Carlisle


  1. Income & Expenditure Statement for AANMT to 31st December 2023

Income & Expenditure Statement for the
Army Apprentice National Memorial Trust
For the period 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023

Funds as at 1st January 2023
Total Funds £933.57

Income Expenditure
Donations from Assoc. £ 0.00 Web Hosting £ 29.85

Other Donations £ 0.00 Pipes & Drums £ 100.00

NMA Charges 2022 £ 260.00

Domain Name Reg. £ 14.39

New Domain Costs £ 182.12

Total Income £ 0.00 Total Expenditure £ 586.36

In Year Surplus/(Deficit)£ (586.36)

Funds as at 31st December 2023
Total Funds £ 347.21

Glyn Marsh
Army Apprentice National Memorial Trust


  1. Separate to the Trust funds we also hold £23 on behalf of the Reunion Entertainment fund.
  2. The web hosting charge was for a two-year contract.
  3. The NMA charges were for the memorial service held in September 2022, there has been no
    charge for the service in May 2023 due to the poor administration by the NMA

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