Army Apprentices National Memorial (AANM) & TRUST
Minutes of the AGM held at the National Memorial Arboretum. Alrewas 1400hrs Saturday 3rd September
Members Present:
Johnny McGahan (Deputy Chairman / NMA Liaison Officer) – Harrogate Glyn Marsh (Treasurer) –
Steve Joyce (Secretary) – Carlisle Terry Hanman – Harrogate
Jim Smith – Harrogate Len Morland – Harrogate Mick Johnson – Harrogate Mick Taylor – Harrogate
Colin Weir – Chepstow Ken Carver – Carlisle
Garry Kelly (Chaplain) – Carlisle Gordon Bonner – Arborfield Peter Forster – Harrogate
Rob Cross – Harrogate
Apologies Received: Roger Traves – Arborfield
Chairman’s Welcome
The meeting was opened by Johnny McGahan, who welcomed everyone, and thanked them for attending.
Gordon Bonner explained, that although he is not a trustee, Roger Traves has requested that Gordon
acted as Roger’s proxy when it comes to voting.
Matters Arising
Johnny explained a communications received from Mike Tizzard regarding the two organisations. A
document was produced and distributed outlining the rules of the new Army Apprentices National
Association. This lead onto a discussion regarding a recent email from Mike Tizzard relaying the
thoughts of the AOBA Committee recommending that the AANMT be dissolved as soon as possible, and
also to change the wording of the AANA rules. This referred to the wording in the second paragraph
which says ‘promote and foster Esprit-de-Corps and well-being to those who have been associated
with Junior Soldiers’. The suggestion is that the words
‘Army Apprentices &’ should precede ‘Junior Soldiers’, where it is written in the document. Len
Morland proposed we make the changes as described which was seconded by Terry Hanman, and carried.
Ken Carver raised his concerns regarding the two organisations running in parallel, and suggested
that the AANA be held back until the AANMT is dissolved. A long discussion followed in which Glyn
explained the financial reality. Basically, any money held by the AANMT, if not spent, can only be
passed to another charity when we close the trust. As the AANA is not a charity, the money cannot
be transferred across. We do not have enough money in the AANA to be able to run the service at the
memorial in 2023. It was finally agreed that we will continue to run the AANMT for a further two
years. This was proposed by Ken Carver and seconded by Rob Cross, and agreed by all.
In the meantime we must commit to raising money for the AANA funds.
AOBA have made a donation of £100 for this year. Chepstow, Harrogate and Carlisle are to be
requested to recommence their continued financial support.
Glyn emphasised that no trust or association funds is used at the social events. These are self –
funded by those attending.
Funding for ongoing maintenance was questioned and fully explained by Gordon and Johnny. A legacy
fund valued at £40K is held by the NMA to cover all on – going maintenance of our memorial.
Election of Trustees
Many thanks to Terry Hanman and Rob Cross for volunteering to take on the important roles below.
Terry Hanman – Chairman
Johnny McGahan – Deputy Chairman Glyn Marsh – Treasurer
Steve Joyce – Secretary
Rob Cross – Events Organiser Ken Carver – Trustee
James Smith – Trustee Roger Traves – Trustee
Secretary’s Report
The secretary raised the topic of communications as being an issue. Members need to remember to
update any changes to their email addresses. On a wider note, how do we communicate to others
beyond our current membership, about our organisation and events. Advertising in Corps magazines as
well as the Soldier magazine were suggested, along with posters in military museums. Members were
asked to forward details of any contact they may have to the secretary.
Frequency of, and month of our meetings was also raised. It was agreed to keep it as an annual
event and to move back to May. Provisionally 13 & 14th May 2023.
Treasurer’s Report
Copies of the Statement of Accounts were published, and explained by Glyn. A copy will also be
attached to these minutes.
Glyn explained that the cost of holding our Sunday memorial service is around £300, including a
donation to the pipe band, and once again reiterated that none of the money held is spent on our
social event.
Webmaster’s Report:
As the new Webmaster, Peter Forster is concentrating his efforts on creating the Website for the
AANA, his report is recorded in the AANA minutes.
Event’s Organiser’ Report
The Event’s Organiser, having just volunteered for the role had nothing to report.
Johnny McGahan did comment on some of the difficulties he experienced whilst organising
the hotel for this year’s event. Having requested that those that are attending please
let Johnny know, only two did!
NMA Liaison Officers & Legacy Fund Report
Johnny reported that the Legacy Fund was exactly the same as last year at
£39,032.41. The memorial has been cleaned twice as per the agreement, once after the winter and
again prior to our annual gathering. Johnny explained that he liaises directly and directs
particular issues to be dealt with as required.
A brief discussion was had on timings for these meeting, it was agreed that next year the meeting
will commence at 1300hrs.
Garry Kelly raised the topic of a collection being taken at the Sunday Memorial
Service. He stated that we have discussed annual subscriptions from the
associations, but not from individuals. Everyone present agreed it is a good idea, and
arrangements will be made to do so at our service the following day.
After note: Although we discovered on the day that collections are not permitted by the NMA, a whip
round did take place and £100 was raised.
Peter Forster mentioned the possibility of charging members £1 per month. The general
consensus was that some already pay association membership fees. Also this topic should be for
our next meeting (AANA).
Gordon Bonner then gave a brief history of the Apprentices Memorial for the benefit of those who
maybe didn’t know.
There being no further business to attend to, the Chairman closed the meeting at 1530 hrs.