We Will Remember Them Listed below are the known losses from Harrogate In the event you know of someone who is not on this list please contact us or leave a comment below with the relevant information Name Initials Intake Coy…

Army Apprentice National Memorial
The Home of all Army Apprentices
We Will Remember Them Listed below are the known losses from Harrogate In the event you know of someone who is not on this list please contact us or leave a comment below with the relevant information Name Initials Intake Coy…
Roger Forest writes … I am organising a reunion for Intake 63C 55Years after going to Harrogate Apprentice College in Sept.1963. The celebration will take place in Harrogate in Sept 2018. For any ex. A/T’s from Intake 63C who I…
Saw this book by Fred Carslake on Amazon today, Just had to add it to our site for all you Harrogate lads who haven’t got a copy … The Harrogate Apprentice
The Harrogate College was established in 1947 as “The Army Apprentices School” and in its early years trained Apprentices for the RA, RE and R Sigs. In 1961 training for the RA and RE was transferred elsewhere and since then…
Membership of the Association Membership of the Association of Harrogate Apprentices is open to ALL Ex Harrogate Apprentices and permanent staff, both military and civilian. A yearly subscription is paid to assist the running of the Association. As agreed at…
Harrogate 1947 Opened as the Army Apprentices School with AAS badge. 1961 Royal Signals trades only 1966 Name changed to Army Apprentices College and rebadged to Royal Signals who took control of it from the War Office. 1971 Granted Freedom…