Some of the ACC App, April 1960 intake after the 1963 pass out into man service. Going to meet up with some of them 27th June after 55 years. More info can be found on our FB Page …. British Army…

Army Apprentice National Memorial
The Home of all Army Apprentices
Some of the ACC App, April 1960 intake after the 1963 pass out into man service. Going to meet up with some of them 27th June after 55 years. More info can be found on our FB Page …. British Army…
Roger Forest writes … I am organising a reunion for Intake 63C 55Years after going to Harrogate Apprentice College in Sept.1963. The celebration will take place in Harrogate in Sept 2018. For any ex. A/T’s from Intake 63C who I…
BEACHLEY OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION THE 2018 REUNION 21st, 22nd & 23rd SEPTEMBER Once again the event is spread over three days – the Friday evening ‘Get together’ this year is again at the Beaufort Hotel, Chepstow. Saturday is at the Chepstow…
Calling all Hadrian’s Old Boys to Muster in Carlisle on Remembrance Sunday to celebrate 100 years since the end of the Great War. HOBS Remembrance Parade 2018 *N.B. Please note the new venue.* *The Crown & Mitre Hotel, Carlisle, CA3…
Annual Reunion of the AOBA. 13/15 July 2018 Held at the Hinckley Island Hotel. With a visit to the National Memorial Arboretum for a Parade and Drum Head Service. A wonderful weekend for all Arborfield Apprentices to swing the lamp,…